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evict a squatter

How To Legally Evict A Squatter On A Rental Property

Squatters are a source of frustration for many landlords, and they are more common than you might think. If you want to evict a squatter the right way, you’ve come to the right place.   How to Evict a Squatter Legally Squatting is when a person or group occupies a vacant property without permission. It can…

renting documents

12 Most Important Rental Forms For Every Landlord

Being a landlord involves a lot of work — specifically, paperwork. To be a successful landlord, you must prepare the most important renting documents ahead of time.   Top Renting Documents All Landlords Should Have There is more to being a landlord than just collecting rent from your tenant. It involves quite a bit of…

tenant turnover cost

Tenant Turnover Cost: It’s Costlier Than You Think

Landlords cycle through tenants — that’s just how it goes. But, with every transition, there are some expenses involved. How much does tenant turnover cost?   Tenant Turnover Cost: Everything That Goes Into It Tenant turnover is the period of time between the end of an old tenant’s lease term and the start of a new…

septic tank maintenance for rentals

A Checklist For Septic Tank Maintenance For Rentals

As a landlord, it is part of your job to make sure that everything in your rental property works smoothly. This includes your septic system. Here is everything you need to know about septic tank maintenance for rentals.   The Importance of Septic Tank Maintenance for Rentals A septic system is an underground structure made for…

tax tips for property managers

7 Most Important Tax Tips For Property Managers

Tax season is always a huge pain point for many property managers and landlords. And this is understandable due to the complex nature of taxes. But, there are some tax tips for property managers that will greatly ease the process.   The Best Tax Tips for Property Managers Managing a rental property is a great way…

rental markets 2022

Rental Markets 2022: How’s It Looking?

Renting is as good an option as owning a home, especially for those who don’t intend to stay in one place forever. But, what are the hottest rental markets in 2022?   The State of Competitive Rental Markets in 2022 The United States is home to more than 43 million renters. And, for a lot…

property management service trends

Property Management Service Trends For 2022

As with many markets, the property management industry is set to experience some trends this year. Understanding these property management service trends would prove beneficial to both rental property owners and tenants.   Interesting Property Management Service Trends for the Year 2022 The COVID-19 pandemic certainly threw a wrench in everyone’s plans. But, it also…

tax on rental income

Tax On Rental Income: Will Property Owners Pay Taxes?

Investing in rental real estate is a great way to earn income and build a portfolio. Of course, it comes with some associated expenses, such as paying a tax on rental income. Fortunately, in the United States, tax laws on rental property are generally favorable to property owners.   Do You Pay Tax on Rental Income?…

property manager job description

Property Manager Job Description: What Does A Property Manager Do?

Property management is no easy feat, which is why many turn to professionals. But, what exactly are property managers responsible for? Keep on reading to understand the property manager job description.   Property Manager Job Description: What Is a Property Manager? A property manager is a person or company responsible for the day-to-day operations of…

landlord tenant attorney

Is It Time To Hire A Landlord Tenant Attorney?

A landlord tenant attorney can help with a variety of legal issues related to landlords’ and tenants’ rights. But, how can landlords and tenants know whether it is time to hire professional legal help?   What Is a Landlord Tenant Attorney? A landlord tenant attorney is an attorney who specializes in dealing with legal issues…

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