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military tenants

What Landlords Should Know When Renting Out To Military Tenants

Tenants come in all shapes and forms. For the most part, tenants are generally afforded the same protections under the law. And then, there are military tenants who also have their own rights as tenants.   A Landlord’s Guide to Renting to Military Tenants Being a landlord is often a tricky endeavor. The job is…

how to evict a tenant

Your Guide On How To Evict A Tenant

While landlords can hope for model tenants who do no wrong, the unfortunate truth is that bad tenants do exist. In certain situations, you have no other option but to turn to eviction. Here is your guide on how to evict a tenant the right way.   How to Evict a Tenant in Five Easy Steps…

short-term rentals

Short-Term Rentals: How Has Covid-19 Affected It?

Short-term rentals are popular forms of accommodation for travelers. As it did with many other industries, though, the COVID-19 pandemic had a big effect on the hospitality sector. Let’s take a look at how this health crisis influenced short-term rentals and what the future holds.   How COVID-19 Impacted Short-Term Rentals The world came to…

pets in rental properties

Pets In Rental Properties: The Good And The Bad

It is not uncommon to find pets in rental properties nowadays. As a landlord, though, should you allow pets in your rentals? What rules should you implement to protect your assets?   The Advantages of Allowing Pets in Rental Properties When making any decision, it helps to weigh out the pros and cons. Are there…

homeowners insurance for rental property

Homeowners Insurance For Rental Property vs Landlord Insurance vs Rental Property Insurance

Insurance is essential for all property owners. But, as a landlord, it can be difficult to know which policy to get. Do you need a separate policy or is homeowners insurance for rental property enough?   Can You Get Homeowners Insurance for Rental Property? There is a high demand for rental properties in the United…

pest control in rental property

Pest Control In Rental Properties: Who Is Responsible?

Pest control in a rental property can be a serious issue. But, whose responsibility is it to take care of a pest problem in a rented unit or home — the tenant or the landlord?   What to Do About Pest Control in Rental Property Pests are one of the biggest problems property owners face…

late rent

Late Rent: Creating Late Rent Notices And Assessing Fees

Late rent is something that every landlord has encountered. But, how exactly should you handle late rental payments?   How to Deal With Late Rent Landlords come across different kinds of tenants. Some tenants are exceptional payers, making sure to never miss a rent deadline, whereas other tenants are unfavorable, always sending in their rent…

renters insurance

What Is Renters Insurance? Is It Important To Get One?

It is essential for tenants to obtain renters insurance to protect their belongings. But more often than not, renters fail to do so because they feel it is a waste of money. This is a common and dangerous misconception.   What Is Renters Insurance? Renters insurance is a type of property insurance that protects the…

rental scams

Rental Scams: Top 9 Signs And How To Avoid Them

The rental industry is filled with swindlers that prey on unsuspecting would-be tenants. If you are looking for an apartment to rent, protect yourself from rental scams by learning how to spot them early on.   Signs You Are Dealing With Apartment Rental Scams Scam rentals affect millions of American renters. In fact, according to an Apartment…

renters rights

7 Renters Rights Every Tenant Should Know

Property managers and landlords must always remain aware of the various renters rights they must respect. In doing so, they can stay compliant and prevent liability. But, what are these renters rights anyway?   What Are Renters Rights? Renters rights, also known as tenants rights, are laws that protect renters from discrimination and unfair practices….

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