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USA map | best states to invest in real estate

10 Best States To Invest In Real Estate In The U.S.

Deciding to become a property owner is a major step. To get a good return on your investment, it’s important to do thorough research on the real estate market. One of the most important factors to consider is the location of your property investment. If you need some guidance, here are the 10 best states…

Property Manager vs Facility Manager: Who Is Responsible for What?

Property Manager vs Facility Manager: Who Is Responsible for What?

Quite like every traditional organizational structure, there are numerous managers outside the business world that are responsible for handling a diverse list of tasks. Their title may be used interchangeably, but their expertise and scope of duties are very different. For instance, you aren’t going to communicate with your sales manager to deal with your…

notice | evicting a tenant

When Is It Right To Evict A Tenant?

Tenant eviction is a normal part of managing a rental property. But, as a landlord, you need to know when you can legally evict a tenant. This way, you can complete the process in a seamless and efficient manner without breaking any laws.   How to Evict a Tenant the Right Way Eviction is not…

calculations | rental property income

How Do You Calculate Rental Income?

Buying a rental property is one of the best real estate investments you can make. Before pulling the trigger, though, it’s important to do a thorough analysis of the property. You need to calculate rental income to determine whether the investment will become profitable. Here’s how you can find out the potential rental property income….

handing keys | asking a landlord

15 Key Questions To Ask A Landlord Before Renting

Any responsible renter knows that you should not enter a lease agreement with your landlord without knowing all the pertinent information. Before renting an apartment or house, there are some crucial questions you must ask a landlord first.   Important Questions to Ask a Landlord When Searching for a Home to Rent There are an…

notice | rental lease violations

5 Most Common Rental Lease Violations And How To Handle Them

Rental lease violations happen every day. Every landlord has had the misfortune of having a tenant break a stipulation in their lease agreement. The difference between a good landlord and a bad one is in the way these violations are handled.   The Proper Way to Resolve Rental Lease Violations While a lot of Americans…

water damage in apartments

Water Damage In Apartments: Who’s Responsible For Fixing It?

Water damage in apartments are all too common, but who should actually cover the cost of repairs — the landlord or the tenant? Answering this age-old question requires a deeper look into the rights of renters, insurance, and landlord responsibilities.   Who Is Responsible for Water Damage in Apartments? Apartment dwellers know all too well…

liability with gavel | legal liability of property manager

What Are The Legal Liabilities Of Property Managers

Property managers face a ton of issues on a day-to-day basis, not just from tenants but also from property owners. Some of these issues can get property managers in legal trouble. But, what exactly are the legal liabilities of property managers? Be Wary of the Legal Liabilities of Property Managers Property managers are responsible for…

photo of a laptop with property management on the background | two men talking | digital property management

Digital Property Management: Which Services Should You Digitize?

Back in the day, property management companies had to do things the old-fashioned way. Digital property management, though, is the new norm in this industry. Whether you are looking for a property management company or are one, there are some services you must digitize.   Understanding Digital Property Management Real estate investors often find it…

rental property management

11 Reasons To Hire A Rental Property Management Company

Managing a rental property can be challenging, especially if you lack the time or skills for the job. This is where rental property management companies come in. But, what does a property manager do anyway?   What Is Rental Property Management? The definition is in the name itself — rental property management. Simply put, it…

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