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water damage in apartments

Water Damage In Apartments: Who’s Responsible For Fixing It?

Water damage in apartments are all too common, but who should actually cover the cost of repairs — the landlord or the tenant? Answering this age-old question requires a deeper look into the rights of renters, insurance, and landlord responsibilities.   Who Is Responsible for Water Damage in Apartments? Apartment dwellers know all too well…

liability with gavel | legal liability of property manager

What Are The Legal Liabilities Of Property Managers

Property managers face a ton of issues on a day-to-day basis, not just from tenants but also from property owners. Some of these issues can get property managers in legal trouble. But, what exactly are the legal liabilities of property managers? Be Wary of the Legal Liabilities of Property Managers Property managers are responsible for…

photo of a laptop with property management on the background | two men talking | digital property management

Digital Property Management: Which Services Should You Digitize?

Back in the day, property management companies had to do things the old-fashioned way. Digital property management, though, is the new norm in this industry. Whether you are looking for a property management company or are one, there are some services you must digitize.   Understanding Digital Property Management Real estate investors often find it…

rental property management

11 Reasons To Hire A Rental Property Management Company

Managing a rental property can be challenging, especially if you lack the time or skills for the job. This is where rental property management companies come in. But, what does a property manager do anyway?   What Is Rental Property Management? The definition is in the name itself — rental property management. Simply put, it…

tenant and owner funds

Managing Tenant And Owner Funds The Right Way

Managing tenant and owner funds usually falls under the scope of responsibility for property managers. But, it is easy to make mistakes and become a victim of poor fund management.   Property Manager Responsibility: Handling Tenant and Owner Funds Being a landlord is often a challenging position. There is so much more to it than…

rent collecting

Everything You Should Know About Rent Collecting

Many landlords struggle with one of the most important parts of rental management — rent collecting. Considering rent is how you make money, though, you should arm yourself with everything you need to know about how to collect rent.   A Landlord’s Guide to Rent Collecting Managing a rental property is a difficult undertaking, requiring…

rental inspection checklist

Rental Inspection Checklist: Use This Before Leasing Or Renting A Property

As a landlord, it is your job to conduct regular inspections of your rental property to ensure it remains in good condition. This is where a rental inspection checklist can come in handy.   What to Include in a Rental Inspection Checklist What is a rental inspection checklist? Simply put, it is a checklist consisting of…

questions to ask property manager

20 Questions To Ask Property Managers Before Hiring Them

Entrusting your rental space to a property manager is a major decision. However, this can be the help you need to get the best return on your investment. Before signing a contract, though, here are the most important questions to ask a property manager or a property management company.   Questions to Ask Property Managers:…

what does a real estate broker do

Broker, Owner, And Landlord Responsibilities

What does a real estate broker do? Do they share the same responsibilities as a property owner or landlord? Whichever role you assume, you must understand your function and the duties you are obliged to fulfill.   What Does a Real Estate Broker Do? Answered! There are plenty of lucrative opportunities in real estate, which…

property management contract

How To Analyze A Property Management Contract

It is crucial that landlords carefully review their property management contracts before signing them. In doing so, they can make sure they are not agreeing to unreasonable terms or hidden costs.   Understanding the Parts of a Property Management Contract For a lot of property management companies, the contract simply represents another deal. It contains…

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