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contractor scams

Beware Of These Contractor Scams

Contractor scams are commonplace and can cost a lot. That’s why rental property owners should carefully research before signing any contracts. They should also be wary of contractors’ common scams to bait potential clients.   Common Contractor Scams to Beware Of Whether it’s a construction scam or a landscaping con, contractor scams are everywhere. Many…

tenant smoke alarms

Tenant Smoke Alarms: Landlord Responsibilities And Rights

Landlords aren’t always aware of their responsibilities when installing tenant smoke alarms. But it’s certainly something they must keep in mind to foster a safe environment. They should also be aware of their rights in case of tenant misuse or mishandling.   Are Tenant Smoke Alarms Required in Rental Properties? Almost every state and local…

adding a tenant to the lease

Everything You Need To Know About Adding A Tenant To Your Lease

Adding a tenant to the lease agreement is not easy. There are several considerations landlords should take into account before they allow another person to occupy their property. Moreover, it’s important to follow due process to avoid potential problems.   Why Should Landlords Add a New Person to an Existing Lease? Landlords may be tempted…

payment for rent

Best And Worst Methods For Collecting Payment For Rent

Landlords need to find an efficient way to collect payment for rent, but collecting payments is not simply about receiving the money. There are good and bad practices when it comes to rent collection.   Pros and Cons of Each Payment for Rent Method There are several ways landlords can collect payment for rent, but…

popular cities for renters

10 Most Popular Cities For Renters In 2023

What are the most popular cities for renters? As a rental property investor, knowing where there is high demand is important. After all, you don’t want to invest in a rental property that doesn’t gain enough tenants. Here are the cities you should consider investing in this year.   Most Popular Cities for Renters Homeownership…

maintenance of rental property

Who Handles The Maintenance Of A Rental Property?

Who should handle the maintenance of rental property? Is it the rental property management company or the property owner? Here’s what you should know about who takes the responsibility and to what extent.   Who Is Responsible for Maintenance of a Rental Property? Generally, the rental property management company is responsible for the maintenance of…

renter's bill of rights

Renter’s Bill Of Rights: Protection For Renters

The recently published Renter’s Bill of Rights aims to push state and local governments into establishing a standard set of renter’s rights. But what does it cover exactly? And how will it affect landlords?   What Is the White House Renter’s Bill of Rights? President Joe Biden’s administration released a Blueprint for a Renters Bill of…

property management company pay repairs

Does A Property Management Company Pay Repairs Of A Rental Property?

Renting out a property usually needs a property manager to work with. You may be wondering if a property management company should pay for repairs. Should they be paying for repairs at all or simply handle repair and maintenance requests?   Do Property Management Companies Pay for Repairs? If you’re wondering”does a property manager pay…

people moving

Where Are People Moving? Top States To Invest Rental Properties In

People are moving all the time. But, for rental property investors, it pays to know which states have the hottest rental markets.   Why Are People Moving? People move for many reasons. And while people move for job-related or family-related purposes, housing remains a primary contributor. It can stem from a desire for more space…

tenant smoking

Is Your Tenant Smoking? How To Deal With This Situation

A tenant smoking is perhaps one of a landlord’s worst nightmares. Smoking has several negative effects, both actual and perceptual, which is why it gets such a bad rap. But, how can landlords handle smoking in rentals anyway?   Do Tenant Smoking Rights Exist? While tenants’ rights are something landlords should uphold, smoking isn’t one of…

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